We work collaboratively with master artisans across Guatemala to create functional and multipurpose objects, ensuring craft preservation and job creation in this region. We believe in manufacturing beautiful, ethically made products that don’t cause any harm to anyone or anything during and after their creation process, hence the name Nada Duele (in Spanish, “nothing hurts”).

Esto no me hace daño a mi. – This will not hurt me.
Esto no le hace daño al medio ambiente. – This will not hurt the environment.
Esto no le hace daño a nadie. – This will not hurt anyone.
Nada Duele.

Our textile production process is mindful of the resources we take from the environment and centers working with nature, rather than against. The thread used for our lambswool textiles is hung to dry on long lines under the hot Guatemalan sun, which means that our production is affected during the rainy season, when it becomes too humid and wet to dry the thread.
We invest in high quality materials to ensure a long lifetime for our textiles and to minimize environmental harm. We avoid synthetic fabrics and use either natural dyes made with local ingredients or AZO-free nontoxic dyes. We don’t adhere to the traditional fashion and design calendars. Instead, our textiles are produced in small batches and we release capsule collections throughout the year. Our textiles are intended to be timeless and we hope you enjoy them for years to come.